The role and responsibilities that can be expected of employees at the various classification levels are set out below.

      Roles and duties of staff


      The role of the headmaster is to lead and manage the planning, delivery, evaluation end improvement of the education of all pupils in the school through the strategic deployment of resources provided by the school. A key component of this role is to increase the knowledge base of teachers within the school about student learning and quality teacher practice.

      The headmaster as the executive officer of the school council, must ensure that adequate and appropriate advice is provided to the council on educational and other matters; that the decision of the council are implemented; and that adequate support and resources are provided for the conduct of the council meetings.. the headmaster is accountable for the overall leadership, management and the development of the school within state wide guidelines and government policies.

      The core accountabilities of the headmaster is

      1. To ensure the delivery of a comprehensive, high quality education program to all students
      2. Provide a child safe environment in accordance with the child safe standard
      3. Be executive officer of the school council
      4. Implement decision of the school council
      5. Establish and manage financial systems in accordance with the school council requirements
      6. Represent the school in the local community
      7. Report to the school, parents and students on the achievement of the school and of individual as appropriate

      Class teacher duties

      The primary focus of the classroom teacher is on planning, preparation and teaching of programs to achieve specific student outcomes. The classroom teacher engages in critical reflection and inquiryin order to improve knowledge and skills to effectively engage students and improve their learning.

      As the classroom teacher gains experience the employee’s contribution to the school program beyond the classroom increases.

      All classroom teachers may be required to undertake other duties in addition to their rostered teaching duties provided the responsibility is appropriate to the qualification, training and experience of the teacher.

      1. Have the content knowledge and pedagogical practice to meet the diverse needs of all students;
      2. Provide a child safe environment in accordance with the child safe standard
      3. Model exemplary classroom practice and mentor/ coach other teachers in the school to engage in critical reflection of their practice and to support staff to expand their capacity
      4. Provide expert advice about the  content, the processes and strategies that will shape individual and school professional learning
      5. Supervise and train one or more pre service teachers
      6. Assist staff to use student data to inform teaching approaches that enable targets related to improving students learning outcome to be achieved
      7. To make the class ready for learning everyday
      8. To give appropriate assignment to pupils
      9. To prepare adequately for every lesson and submit lesson plans weekly
      10. Maintain records of  class attendance and recording of pupils progress
      11. To monitor, evaluate and report  pupils progress in key learning area
      12. To ensure the discipline of every student in his/her class
      13. Supervising a range of students’activities including support and welfare programs.
      14. To carry out every other duties as assigned by the proprietor

      Senior teachers

      The senior teachers will be highly skilled classroom practitioner and undertake leadership and management roles. the role of senior teachers is to improve the skill, knowledge and performance of the teaching workforce in the school and to improve the curriculum program of the school. Typically senior teachers are responsible for coordinating a number of staff to achieve improvement in teaching and learning which may involve the coordination and professional support of colleagues through modeling, collaborating and coaching and using processes that develop knowledge, practice and professional engagement in others. Senior teachers are expected to manage a significant area or function within the school with high degree of independence to ensure the effective development, provision and evaluation of the school education program. Senior teachers will be expected to make significant contributions to policy development relating to teaching and learning in the school. A senior teacher has a direct influence on the achievement of the school goals. Senior teachers are usually responsible for the implementation of one or more priorities contained in the school strategic plan.

      In recognition of the importance  of leadership and management combined with exemplary teaching practice for improved student learning outcomes, the key roles of the senior teachers may include and not limited to

      1. Managing the implementation of whole school improvement initiatives related to the school strategic plan and school priorities
      2. Provide child safe environment in accordance with the child safe standard
      3. Manage the implementation of whole school improvement strategies related to curriculum planning and delivery
      4. Manage the provision of professional learning and developing individual and team performance and development plans for teaching staff with the priorities of the school
      5. Manage staff performance and development ( review of staff)
      6. Teaching demonstration lessons
      7. Managing the development of the school’s assessment and reporting policies and practices
      8. Managing the implementation of the school operations and policies related to student welfare and discipline
      9. Leading the development of curriculum in a major learning area and participating in curriculum development in other areas
      10. Responsible for general discipline matters beyond the management of classroom teachers.
      11. Contribute to the overall leadership and management of the school.
      12. Contributing to the development of proposal for school council consideration
      13.  Developing and managing the school codes of conducts.

      Duties of examination officer

      1. To see to the preparation of test and examination question by the class teacher
      2. The typing and printing of all examination and test question
      3. To conduct all examination and test in the school
      4. To ensure the marking and recording of examination result into the broad sheet and report sheet

      Duties of academic officer

      1. To oversee lesson plan and lesson notes
      2. To made ready teaching aids and instructional materials for the use of class teacher
      3. To head the curriculum designing committee

      Duties of admission officer

      1. To oversee the admission of new pupils
      2. To ensure that both new and pupils fulfil registration requirements
      3. To keep proper records of all registered pupils and their parents’ data


      Duties of administration officer

      1. To provide learning materials to all duly registered pupils
      1. To manage school properties and ensure their safety
      2. To distributes information both to other staff and parents when necessary
      3. To oversee staff and pupils’ movements during school hours

      Duties of the bursar

      1. To be responsible for the collection on funds and issuance of funds
      2. To keep record of all revenue and expenditures
      3. To issue receipt for all revenues and keep receipt of all expenditures
      4. To deposits and withdraw fund at the directive of the proprietor
        • Coming soon

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